To register, please review the following and click the "I Agree and Understand" button at the bottom of the page
We are pleased that you selected our site to register your dog. We encourage you to take advantage of the vast amount of information available to you from this site. It is our goal to help educate every dog handler who wishes to register their dog. There are no fees for this registration, but we ask that you carefully select the correct category for your dog and agree to our terms for registering.
We accept three distinct types of registration, which cover most dogs. Please take a moment and read our differentiation of types of dogs below, so you register your dog in the correct category.
Service animals are defined as dogs who are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. These dogs have been trained to provide a service to assist the handler with his unique disability. Service dogs are often Diabetic Alert, Seizure Alert, Seeing Eye, and Hearing Assist dogs to name a few. Service animals are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Fair Housing Act (FHA), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA). If you are not aware of the policies of these agencies, we encourage you to view our "Laws and Regulations" section for complete details.
Emotional Support or Assistance dogs are for handlers who have a different type of disability than noted for a service dog, usually suffering from emotional or psychological conditions. There is no specific training this kind of dog needs to go through to be an Emotional Support dog other than behavioral training, to ensure you have your dog always under control. Emotional Support Assistance dogs do not qualify as service dogs and are not covered by the ADA but are covered by the policies of the other three agencies. Many public places allow properly trained ESA Dogs into their establishments, but they are not required under the law to do so and may have policies prohibiting access to ESA Dogs. ESA Dogs are allowed similar access to domestic airlines for transportation with their handlers as are service dogs. International Carriers do not have to comply with the regulations of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) unless they are departing from and arrive at a domestic airport in the United States. Consult with your International Airline carrier before making reservations for you and your Emotional Support Dog, to ensure you can bring your ESA on the Intentional flight with you.
Therapy Dogs are dogs who are trained to comfort other people other than the handler. They often visit people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, and serve at disaster recovery areas to provide therapeutic comfort and affection. It is a common misconception that a Therapy Dog is a type of Service Dog, but this is not true. Therapy dogs have no protection under any of the rules covering Service or Emotional Support dogs but are granted access to public places with the permission of the proprietor or building management.
Some states have laws defining Therapy Dogs; however, Therapy Dogs typically will not have the same access rights as a working Service Dog. Do not misrepresent your Therapy Dog as a Service Dog. We do recommend using a vest, or ID tag to help clear up any miscommunication which may occur between you and members of the public. The ADA does not cover Therapy Dogs, FHA, or the ACAA, but can be processed by the TSA under their regulations. While a Service Dog and an Assistance Dog are provided free transportation with their handler on most commercial flights, a Therapy Dog must pay for accommodations on all airlines and be confined to an animal carrier that will fit under the seat in front of the handler during the flight.
Registration Agreement
In order to register, you must accept and comply with the following Terms and Conditions:
- I am at least 18 years of age. I may register for a child that I am the parent or guardian of.
- I am registering myself as the handler. If I am registering for someone else, I have their permission to do so, or are their parent or guardian.
- I agree I will not intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law, including but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act, Fair Housing Act, Air Carriers Association Act, and Transportation Security Administration and its implementing regulations.
- I understand it is against the law to intentionally misrepresent an animal as a Service or Assistance Dog.
- I or the person being registered for has a qualifying disability or is registering my dog as a Therapy dog.
- The dog being registered is a fully trained Service, Assistance or Therapy Dog, or is in the process of being trained to help perform specific tasks related to the owner's disability or its type of service. Please note, that not all states recognize Service or Assistance Dogs in Training. I understand it is my responsibility to understand and obey all applicable laws in my area.
- I understand that Registration is not a substitute for proper training and if my dog is being trained, but does not complete the training successfully, I will withdraw my registration.
- I understand aggressive behavior by my dog constitutes an immediate forfeiture of Registration.
- I will do my absolute best to leave an excellent impression with others with my behavior and that of my Dog.
- I have read, understand and comply with the definition of a Service, Assistance, or Therapy Dog above.
- I have read, understand, and comply with the Minimum Training Standards for a Service, Assistance, or Therapy Dog which includes a successful Public Access Test.
- I recognize and agree that I am solely and personally responsible for being aware of the laws applicable to myself and my animal, or for the person I am registering for and their animal, and for compliance with those laws. I certify if I believe I require legal assistance to understand my obligations, I have sought this and/or will seek this assistance and will not rely on any statements made on this website as a statement of my legal rights or responsibilities.
- We are not your attorney and we do not provide legal advice. Please seek qualified representation should you require it. By clicking “I Agree and Understand” you agree to all the above as well as our Terms and Conditions.